If you want to embrace your natural texture and switch up your style then runway shows are pretty inspiring. Somehow runway hairstyles are associated with whimsical and extravagant ‘dos which are impossible to wear in real life. Well, some of them really look like that but there are also cool hairstyles which are offered by popular hair experts. If you are seeking for the latest runway inspired hairstyles ideas then check the fallowing pictures taken right from runway shows.
The Low Ponytail
This year runway shows were inspired with the ‘less is more” mantra. Low ponies simply pulled back and tied with an elastic band was in the mainstream. It has created a youthful elegant look which all ladies try to have. We continue to be convinced that too voluminous and extravagant hairstyles are not in trend anymore and the true beauty is in simplicity.

The Great Comeback of Crimps
Adding a touch of fun to any style will make it even better. Crimps have already made their great comeback. You are free to wear crimps either all over or on loose strands, in all cases this style transforms us into the past when ladies used to wear voluminous crimped hairstyles. Anyway it is never late to spice up crimped hairdos with modern twists.

Ballerina Bun
When ladies favorite ballerina bun has been revisited by fashion’s popular hair stylists, you can be pretty sure that it’s going to be ultra-chic. Whether it is a double knot, a messy bun or a chignon, these ingenious hairdos where enhanced with an added touch of imaginary.

The French Pleat
French pleat has become the must have style for this summer. Many runways shows were full of models sporting exactly this ‘do. This versatile rebellious look is also back and we should know how to make it even more trendy and modern. Be that curly or held tightly in the place you are going to stand out of the crowd with your retro inspired updo.

Super Long Locks
Shiny and smooth super long locks were straightened to the extreme on the runway shows. The ethereal appeal has been created with the help of super slick hair extensions. Everyone can recreate this look by using hair extension. It is a perfect way to switch up your style.

Wet Look Locks
Super slicked back hairstyles have been demonstrated this year pretty often. It is look for red carpet events or any other formal occasion. You can get a wet looking hairstyle with the help of hair products. It is possible to do it by your own.